In music, a triad combines three pitches in harmony. In skin care, our Soap Opera Company Salt Scrub combines three benefits—it cleans, exfoliates, and moisturizes—creating the perfect harmony for a remarkable body polish.
The Epsom salts exfoliate dry skin, relax stiff joints and muscles, and support detoxification. Our scrub also contains jojoba oil—which is in fact a wax similar to sebum that your skin readily absorbs. And while many moisturizers and creams contain lanolin, which make acne more severe, jojoba, with its non-greasy texture and properties, acne and even soothe sunburn.
The natural ingredients comprise a proprietary salt blend including sea salt and epsom salt. Also present are luxurious coconut and jojoba oils, plus natural liquid soap, vegetable glycerin, and fragrance or essential oil. Our Sea Salt Scrub exemplifies our passion for quality.